Raising Leaders

We employ 132 caregivers to provide parental oversight to the children. This allows Bulembu children to grow up in family-style homes with 4 – 6 children.

We believe that every child is a blessing from the Lord. And because all of us have influence, we see our job as raising the children brought to us by the Eswatini Social Welfare to become productive members of society who will positively influence the nation, leading their own health families one day, and ultimately the nation, to a better future.

Children are brought to Bulembu from all ages. We receive children from as little as 3 days old to 11 years old.

Our dream for every  child is that they would know that they are loved beyond measure and that they would sense their God-given value.

Special Needs Care

Many of the children have experienced unspeakable trauma before they arrived in our care. As a result our team frequently navigates behavioral and  developmental stunting. Occasionally we receive a baby or child into our care that has significant physical challenges that require a specialized environment with a high level of support. For this reason, we launched a new home in Bulembu at the end of 2022 that is designated for special needs care and has been adapted accordingly.